On-Camera & Voice Over
On-Camera and Voice-Over Weekly Classes give students the unique opportunity to work on scenes and audition sides from television shows, films, and commercials. Each program focuses on the different acting techniques needed to excel in that particular art form. Classes are taught by Television, Film and Voice-Over Actors, NYC Casting Directors and Talent Reps.
Payment plans are available, please contact us for more information!
Upcoming Events › On-Camera Classes
January 2025
6 or 12-Week Scene Study Class: Meisner & Hagen Techniques
New York, NY, NY 10018
Ages 12-19 (email for exception) | 1st 6-Wk Session: Sundays, Jan. 19 - Mar. 16 | 2nd 6-Wk Session: Sundays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 1 | 11 AM - 1 PM | 6-Week Cost: 650.00 | 12-Week Cost: 895.00
Instructor: TV, Film and Broadway Actor John Patrick Hayden (FLEISHMAN’S IN TROUBLE, YOUNGER, TARTUFFE)
Stars such as Meryl Streep, Chadewick Boseman, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, and many others utilized these very techniques.
Final Showcase(s) for Loved Ones & Talent Reps
Each 6-Week Session concludes in a performance for loved ones and a few scouting Talent Reps.
6 or 12-Week Disney & Nick TV Class
New York, NY, NY 10018
No Audition Required | Ages 7 – 11 (scenes divided by age & level; email for exception) | 1st 6-Wk Session: Sundays, Jan. 19 – Mar. 16 | 2nd 6-Wk Session: Sundays, Apr. 6 – Jun. 1 | 11 AM – 1 PM | 6-Week Cost: 650.00 | 12-Week Cost: 895.00
Payment Plans Available at Checkout, or if you need a custom plan, email us or call (212) 315-301
Winter Session Instructor: TV/Film/Stage Actor, Alexis Bronkovic (YOUNGER, THE AFFAIR, LAW & ORDER SVU)
Spring Session Instructor: TV/Film/Stage Actor, Sean Patrick Doyle (BARRY, THE SITTER, LAW & ORDER)
Take One 6-Week Session or Take All 12-Weeks!
When you take all 12-Weeks, YOU SAVE and you get to perform in Two Final Class Showcases!
Learn both the art of comedic TV sitcom acting and audition techniques in our Disney & Nick Sitcom Class!
Focus of Class:
• Learn to identify comedic clues within the text, how to land jokes and bring out the funny!
• Learn how to use your physicality on camera!
• Learn proper on-camera sitcom acting and audition technique!
Final Showcase(s) for Loved Ones & Talent Reps
Each 6-Week session culminates in a performance for loved ones & a few scouting Talent Reps!
April 2025
6-Week SNL Sketch Comedy Class
New York, NY, NY 10018
Ages 11 & Over | Saturdays, Apr. 26 - Jun. 7 | 11 AM - 1 PM | Cost 650.00
Payment Plans Available at Checkout, or if you need a custom plan, email us or call (212) 315-3010
Instructor: TV, Film & Sketch Writer / Actor John Patrick Hayden, (YOUNGER, FLEISHMAN’S IN TROUBLE, DAREDEVIL)
Your instructor, John Patrick, has directed sketch comedy troupes in NYC that have won various awards!
Through improv games, students learn to create characters & story lines that come to life!
In our "SNL Style Class" bring in character's and John Patrick will help craft these ideas into sketch scenarios.
Lots of Oscar Winning actors were on SNL. This class is an incredible way to build muscles that will be helpful to you as an actor in other aspects of our profession!
Final SNL Style Showcase w/ Talent Reps
On the last day, we emulate an SNL show with different sketches and characters YOU created. Loved ones & a few Scouting Talent Reps will be in attendance!