All events for Drop-In Cold Read Class: Commercials, Voiceover, Monologue and TV/Film Sides
January 2018
Drop-In Cold Read Class: Commercials, Voiceover, Monologue and TV/Film Sides
An event every week that begins at 11:00 am on Saturday, repeating until May 19, 2018
Ages 10 and up | Saturday Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, Mar. 3, 10, Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19
Actors are often asked to read cold in both auditions and in your preliminary meeting with an agent. Of course as actors we always want to do the best we can in the room and that’s why its imperative for actors to sharpen their cold read skills. Learn how to quickly pick up text with no time to prepare, break down the script and bring your best self to the audition room despite your lack of time with the material. Every week, students will be presented with new material based on a weekly theme. We will cover Commercial cold reads, TV, Film, Monologues and Voiceover. Little factoid: commercials are always cold reads! Actors will NEVER receive the copy in advance to prepare!
Can’t commit to all 12 classes? Come for one class, sign up for a few, or take all 12! Pay for all 12 at once, or pay by the class! Save $ when you commit to all 12-weeks!
Final Showcase: Students who can commit to all 12-Weeks will have perform their newly honed cold read skills in a Showcase for family and scouting Talent Reps!
When you purchase a class, we will follow up and see when you plan on attending. You can also drop by on Saturday and pay if there’s space! LEARN MORE