All events for 5-Week Commercial Acting
January 2018
5-Week Commercial Acting
An event every week that begins at 1:00 pm on Sunday, repeating until March 11, 2018
Ages 7 – 11! Sunday Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11, Mar. 4, 11!
Commercial acting is harder than it looks! You never get the copy in advance so it’s almost always a COLD READ AUDITION! Young actors will learn how to nail cold read commercial auditions. Budding thespians will learn how to quickly analyze commercial copy and find the acting beats within the text to make a lasting impression on both casting directors and on ad agency executives!
Improvisation also plays a crucial role in commercial auditions. Actors will learn to identify comedic clues within the text as well as physical techniques that allow them to deliver material in a way that will set them apart in their auditions. Sharpen your improv skills and learn how to incorporate them into your performance. The 5-week program culminates with a Final Showcase for family, friends as well as Talent Reps in which students have an opportunity to showcase their talent.